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Non-Academic Sanctions

Possible Administrative Sanctions

Administrative sanctions for violations in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct are as follows:

Disciplinary Reprimand

Indicates that a student's behavior is in violation of stated University policies. Further violations of policies may result in more serious actions. At the discretion of the Board, the Reprimand may include specific educational sanctions with which the student must comply.

Disciplinary Probation

Indicates a strong warning issued in response to more serious or frequent violations of University policies. Probation is issued for a stated period of time. Specific restrictions include not allowing the student to represent the University in any extracurricular activities or run for or hold office in any student group or organization. Additional restrictions or educational sanctions may also be imposed.

Suspension Withheld

The student has been suspended; however, the suspension is withheld as long as the student agrees to undergo other alternative sanctions such as drug testing or an educational program of some type. This is a serious sanction since any additional violation of policy or breaking the terms of the agreement to complete educational sanctions could automatically result in suspension.


Separation of the student from the University for a specified period of time. Permanent notification may appear on the student's transcript. The student shall not participate in any University sponsored activity and may be barred from University premises. Suspended time will not count against any time limits of the Graduate School for completion of a degree. (Suspension requires administrative review and approval by the Vice President for Student Affairs and may be altered, deferred, or withheld). The hearing board will recommend whether a transcript notation is appropriate.


Permanent separation of the student from the University. Notification will appear on the student's transcript. The student also will be barred from University premises. (Expulsion requires administrative review and approval by the President and may be altered, deferred, or withheld).


The student is required to make payment to the University or to other persons, groups, or organizations for damages incurred as a result of a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

Possible Educational Sanctions

The educational value of alternative sanctions is to assist the student in taking responsibility for his or her actions, being accountable, and learning constructive alternatives to inappropriate behavior.

Other sanctions may be imposed instead of or in addition to those specified in the Code. For example, students may be subject to dismissal from University housing for disciplinary violations which occur in the residence halls. Likewise, students may be subject to restrictions upon their driving privileges for disciplinary violations involving the use or registration of motor vehicles. Work or research projects may also be assigned.

The board is encouraged to create sanctions which will provide necessary punishment for violations while contributing to the student's education. Careful attention is paid to the type of incident, the overall demeanor of the student, and mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

Below are some options for possible educational sanctions:

  • Community Service - the following are possible places where students can be assigned a certain number of work hours:
    • Department of Transportation Services (DOTS)
    • Dining Services
    • Service/Charity Organizations - other local organizations are available for potential volunteer opportunities. This type of service must be negotiated through the staff within the Office of Student Conduct.
  • Educational Programs - there are four programs currently sponsored by other departments on the campus in cooperation with the Office of Student Conduct.
    • Substance Use Intervention Treatment program (SUIT) - sponsored by the University Health Center. The program is a seminar that meets for sessions over a designated period of time. The program is designed as an intervention for students who may needs assistance, education, or support regarding substance use.
    • Drug Testing and Education Program - sponsored by the University Health Center. Students found responsible for aggravated drug use/possession violations may be subject to dismissal from the University. The dismissal may be withheld if the student agrees to voluntarily submit to random drug testing and participate in the Substance Use Intervention Treatment program. 
    • Ethical Development Seminar - This self-paced online seminar may be assigned to assist students in evaluating their personal values and how it relates to their ethical decision-making skills. This seminar takes several weeks to complete as it contains readings, short essays, personal reflection essays, activities, and independent projects. 
  • Papers - the following are suggested topics. The board should determine length and due date.
    • Drugs/Alcoholism
    • Fire safety
    • Summary of Rules and Regulations
    • Interviews:
      • Firefighter
      • Police Officer
      • University staff/faculty member
  • Group Projects - fund raisers for:
    • Alcohol prevention on campus
    • Campus safety awareness
    • Fire safety
  • Letter of Apology - To be used when appropriate between individuals and ONLY if the complaining party agrees to such a sanction.
  • Recommendations - Board members may also recommend, but not require, individual counseling sessions if they feel this may be appropriate.
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